- 180° éditions (8)
- 5 sens éditions (45)
- ? BN Publishing; Revised edition (1)
- ??? (87)
- ????? (17)
- ?????? (85)
- ???????? ???????? (1)
- ??????????? ?????? (30)
- ??????????? ?????? ????????? (27)
- ??????????? «????» (1)
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Stephanie Perkins, Jenny Han, Holly Black, Rainbow Rowell, Laini Taylor, Gayle Forman, Kiersten White, Matt de la Peña, Ally Carter, David Levithan, Kelly Link, Myra McEntire, Gallimard Jeunesse (Format: EPUB)
Lauren Tarshis, Scholastic Inc. (Format: EPUB)
Lauren Tarshis, Scholastic Inc. (Format: EPUB)
Langston Hughes, Andrii Ponomarenko (Format: EPUB)
Julie Martinez, Flammarion (Format: EPUB)
Virgile Artdutrading, Bookelis (Format: EPUB)
Josh Gregory, Scholastic Inc. (Format: EPUB)
Wil Mara, Scholastic Inc. (Format: EPUB)
Josh Gregory, Scholastic Inc. (Format: EPUB)