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Love's Not Color Blind
Love's Not Color Blind
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Thornapple Press
Open - No Protection
Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 9781952125164
<p><span style="color: rgb(15, 17, 17);">The issues that make monogamous dating daunting for people of color—shaming and exclusion by white partners, being fetishized, having realities of everyday racism ignored—occur in polyamorous relationships too, and trying “not to see race” only makes it worse. To make polyamorous communities inclusive, we must all acknowledge our part in perpetuating racism and listen to people of color. </span><em style="color: rgb(15, 17, 17);">Love's Not Color Blind</em><span style="color: rgb(15, 17, 17);"> puts forward the framework—through research, anecdotal testimony, and analogy—for understanding, identifying, and confronting racism within polyamorous communities.</span></p>