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In School And Out; The Conquest Of Richard Grant (Unabridged)
In School And Out; The Conquest Of Richard Grant (Unabridged)
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Slingshot Books LLC
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ISBN-13: 9798822580695
The second volume of the Woodville Stories contains the experience of Richard Grant, "in school and out." We are sorry to say that Richard had become a bad boy, and was in the habit of getting into the most abominable scrapes, some of which are detailed in the first chapters of this book. But he is not what is sometimes called a vicious boy, for he has many good qualities, which redeem him from absolute condemnation. There is something noble in his character, which is the germ of his ultimate salvation from the sins which so easily beset him. The third book in the Woodville series is Watch and Wait; The Young Fugitives.