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Confessions of a Book-Lover (UNABRIDGED)
Confessions of a Book-Lover (UNABRIDGED)
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Slingshot Books LLC
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Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 9781669323037
I am of the company of book men who read simply for the love of it, confesses E. Walter Walters, in this gently written tome. Walters documents his habit of "book fishing--" seeking and finding quality volumes in the discount binds at his booksellers, and as a connoisseur of wine might match varieties with courses, he matches his books with the contexts in which he reads them--in the garden, in the bedroom, with friends. He also provides a list of his favorite authors (mostly 19th century United Kingdom) and favorite books, as well as favorite characters from the books he has read, not in a way to impose his choices on other readers, but to share his own personal experiences. (summary by Dr. P. Gould)