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Wayside and Woodland Trees: Pocket guide to the British Sylva (UNABRIDGED)
Wayside and Woodland Trees: Pocket guide to the British Sylva (UNABRIDGED)
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Slingshot Books LLC
Open - No Protection
Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 9781669321651
The purpose of this volume is not the addition of one more to the numerous treatises upon sylviculture or forestry, but to afford a straightforward means for the identification of our native trees and larger shrubs for the convenience of the rural rambler and Nature-lover. The list of British arborescent plants is a somewhat meagre one, but all that could be done in a pocket volume by way of supplementing it has been done—by adding some account of those exotics that have long been naturalized in our woods, and a few of more recent introduction that have already become conspicuous ornaments in many public and private parks. From the Preface - Summary by KHand