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Barchester Towers (Unabridged)
Barchester Towers (Unabridged)
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Everest Media LLC
Open - No Protection
Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 9798330014743
In the quaint cathedral town of Barchester, a battle for power and influence rages within the hallowed halls of the Church of England. Archdeacon Grantly, a formidable figure, seeks to maintain his dominance, while the ambitious Reverend Obadiah Slope schemes to undermine him.

As the election for a new bishop approaches, the town is abuzz with intrigue and gossip. The arrival of the beautiful and enigmatic Eleanor Bold intensifies the rivalry, as both Grantly and Slope vie for her favor. Amidst the ecclesiastical machinations, love, ambition, and betrayal intertwine, threatening to shatter the fragile peace of Barchester Towers.