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Summary of Jennifer Worth's Call the Midwife
Summary of Jennifer Worth's Call the Midwife
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Everest Media LLC
Open - No Protection
Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 9781669391036
Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book.

Sample Book Insights:

#1 I was a midwife, and I was on my way to deliver a baby. It was cold and raining outside, and I was pedal-powered. The sound of the moving river was always present.

#2 I was able to talk to Muriel as she was having her baby. I gave her a sterile sheet, and two fingers into her vagina. The head was well down, and her waters had not yet broken. I told her everything was fine, and that she had not far to go now.

#3 The second stage of labor is when the baby’s head is delivered. It is often painful, but a woman will be elated during this stage. The baby’s heart will be beating normally, but the raised heartbeat shows how much the baby goes through during birth.

#4 The delivery of the baby was successful, and the baby was delivered whole with no pieces torn off and left behind in the uterus. The placenta must be delivered, and it must be delivered whole with no pieces torn off and left behind in the uterus.