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Summary of Jonny Bowden & Stephen Sinatra's The Great Cholesterol Myth
Summary of Jonny Bowden & Stephen Sinatra's The Great Cholesterol Myth
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Everest Media LLC
Open - No Protection
Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 9781669363552
Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book.

Sample Book Insights:

#1 We believe that cholesterol, while not the cause of heart disease, is a minor character in the heart disease story. We believe that the real causes of heart disease are inflammation, oxidation, sugar, and stress.

#2 The 1990s saw the rise of the Atkins diet, which promoted eating fat and protein to lose weight. It was believed that because Atkins diet was high in saturated fat, it would cause heart disease. But many people lost weight easily following his program.

#3 I began to wonder if the theory that cholesterol causes heart disease was wrong. study after study on highprotein, lowcarb diets showed that the blood tests of people on these diets were similar to Al’s. Their health actually improved.

#4 The Weston A. Price Foundation is a group that advocates for unprocessed foods, including butter, raw milk, and grassfed meat. They believe that the real initiators of damage in the arteries are oxidation and inflammation, not cholesterol.