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The Gods Of Peg?na (Unabridged)
The Gods Of Peg?na (Unabridged)
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Everest Media LLC
Open - No Protection
Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 9781669379539
Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice.

The Gods of Peg?na, Lord Dunsany’s first published book, is a strange and wondrous creation. In it he creates the pantheon of gods who rule over the titular world. The prose alternates between being biblical, highminded, and childish, with the gods frustrating their human subjects through their singleminded and often completely inscrutable actions. When they’re not busy being mysterious, they’re busy taking revenge on each other.

It’s possible these short tales were written to convey lessons about life, death, and the nature of belief, though the rhythmic simplicity of the prose and the strange and often petty nature of the gods leaves that up to debate. Regardless, The Gods of Peg?na is a fascinating and influential read.