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Tabletalk (Unabridged)
Tabletalk (Unabridged)
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Everest Media LLC
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Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 9781669378846
Please note: This audiobook has been created using AI voice.

William Hazlitt was a wellregarded critic and essayist in his day, and TableTalk, a collection of some of his more popular short essays, is perhaps his bestremembered work.

The essays themselves range in subject from philosophy, to art, to literature, culture, society, and politics, with titles like “On the Pleasures of Painting” and “On Corporate Bodies.” Hazlitt’s intimate style and deep familiarity with many different aspects of art culture (not only was he a literary success, but he studied under Joshua Reynolds to be a portrait painter) make his essays fascinating multidisciplinary reads.

TableTalk was originally published in two separate volumes, and, largely due to Hazlitt’s political activism, was received poorly by his contemporaries. Today it’s considered one of his masterpieces.