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Summary of Sarah Beth Aubrey's Starting & Running Your Own Small Farm Business
Summary of Sarah Beth Aubrey's Starting & Running Your Own Small Farm Business
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Everest Media LLC
Open - No Protection
Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 9781669361206
Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book.

Sample Book Insights:

#1 All-natural pet treats are sold by Aubrey’s Natural Meats. The company is unique by design, as there are no strong competitors at the local, regional, or even state level.

#2 The end consumer is the white-tablecloth restaurant and the gourmet or health-oriented retailer.

#3 Develop a website by the third quarter of 2004 and do e-commerce shipping everywhere. create exclusive relationships to supply Montage catering and Kahn's deli by the third quarter of 2004. launch aggressive marketing and media awareness by the fourth quarter of 2004, targeting media such as The Good Life, Indiana PBS program; Indianapolis Monthly magazine; Indianapolis Dine magazine; and Life in the Midwest magazine.

#4 The company will be owned by Cary and Sarah Aubrey, who will jointly share daily company management based on the following duties: Cary will be director of operations and procurement. His responsibilities will include the following: screening and procurement of live cattle, coordination of all trucking of both live cattle and meat products, and driving truck routes until a driver can be hired.