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Summary of Laura Schlessinger's Bad Childhood-Good Life
Summary of Laura Schlessinger's Bad Childhood-Good Life
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Everest Media LLC
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Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 9781669360957
Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book.

Sample Book Insights:

#1 The calls to my radio show are coming from children who are being victimized by their parents. I try to give them a positive perspective on the situation.

#2 The price you have to pay for something you want is that it hurts when you lose it. The good part is that you get to see it. Children need to learn that these lessons are universal experiences, not just their personal, unique, horrible cross to bear.

#3 Many people, especially children, are affected by their parents’ divorce. They may end up becoming career victims, always unhappy, demanding of others, and a big chip on their shoulder.

#4 When you are a victim, the past is in control of your present. When you are a conqueror, the present is controlled by your choices, in spite of the pain and pull of your past. It is difficult for some people to make these decisions and follow through, but they can do it if they try.