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Summary of Daniel Noah Halpern's Becoming a Video Game Designer
Summary of Daniel Noah Halpern's Becoming a Video Game Designer
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Everest Media LLC
Open - No Protection
Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 9781669360643
Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book.

Sample Book Insights:

#1 Someone who loves games and plays them. Someone who can’t help but think about how games work. Someone who wants to know how things work as systems.

#2 Cadwell was born in St. Louis, and as a child he spent a lot of time playing video games. He became interested in the patterns and systems of video games, and as he got older, he began to figure out how to apply those systems to other areas of his life.

#3 Cadwell was eventually kicked off the servers of a MUD game for being too materialistic while playing a Paladin. He then went on to concentrate in computer science at MIT. He also discovered a new game: StarCraft, which had come out in 1998.

#4 Cadwell ended up working for Blizzard Entertainment, a company that created Warcraft and StarCraft games. He was hired as the lead play-balance designer. While working there, he realized that game design was what he wanted to do.