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Summary: Big Data
Summary: Big Data
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Must Read Summaries
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ISBN-13: 9782511025079
<b>The must-read summary of Viktor Mayer-Schonberg and Kenneth Cukier's book: "Big Data: A Revolution that Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think".<br><br></b>This complete summary of the ideas from Viktor Mayer-Schonberg and Kenneth Cukier's book "Big Data" explains that the concept of "big data" means using huge quantities of data to make better predictions based on patterns, rather than trying to understand the underlying causes in more detail. In their book, the authors highlight the many ways in which big data will be a source of new economic value and innovation in the future. This summary also demonstrates that this change in the way information is analysed will transform the way everyone lives and interacts in the world.<br><br><b>Added-value of this summary:<br></b>• Save time<br>• Understand key concepts<br>• Expand your knowledge<br><br><b>To learn more, read "Big Data" and discover how the way we use data is evolving and what this means for the future.</b><br>