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Claiming the Land
Claiming the Land
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Ronsdale Press
Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 9781553805038
This trailblazing history of early British Columbia focuses on a single year, 1858, the year of the Fraser River gold rush — the third great massmigration

of gold seekers after the Californian and Australian rushes in search of a new El Dorado. Marshall’s history becomes an adventure, prospecting the rich pay streaks of British Columbia’s “founding” event and the gold fever that gripped populations all along the Pacific Slope. Marshall unsettles many of our most taken-for-granted assumptions: he shows how foreign miner-militias crossed the 49th parallel, taking the law into their own hands, and conducting extermination campaigns against Indigenous peoples while forcibly claiming the land. Drawing on new evidence, Marshall explores the three principal cultures of the goldfields — those of the fur trade (both Native and the Hudson’s Bay Company), Californian, and British world views. The year 1858 was a year of chaos unlike any other in British Columbia and American Pacific Northwest history. It produced not only violence but the formal inauguration of colonialism, Native reserves and, ultimately, the expansion of Canada to the Pacific Slope. Among the haunting legacies of this rush are the cryptic place names that remain — such as American Creek, Texas Bar, Boston Bar, and New York Bar — while the unresolved question of Indigenous sovereignty continues to claim the land.<span>This&#10;trailblazing history of early British Columbia focuses on the 1858 Fraser River&#10;gold rush. Marshall&#8217;s detailed account becomes an adventure, prospecting the&#10;rich pay streaks of B.C.&#8217;s &#8220;founding&#8221; event and the gold fever that gripped&#10;populations all along the Pacific Slope. In doing so, Marshall unsettles many&#10;of our romanticized assumptions about the Fraser rush. He shows how foreign&#10;miner-militias crossed the 49th parallel, taking the law into their own hands&#10;and conducting extermination campaigns against Indigenous peoples. Drawing on&#10;new evidence, Marshall explores the three principal cultures of the goldfields:&#10;those of the fur trade (both Indigenous and the Hudson&#8217;s Bay Company); the&#10;Californian; and the British. The year 1858 was a year of chaos unlike any&#10;other in Pacific Northwest history. It produced not only violence but the&#10;formal inauguration of colonialism, Native reserves, and, ultimately, the expansion&#10;of Canada to the Pacific Slope &#8212; leaving Indigenous sovereignty waiting for a full&#10;resolution.</span>