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Night Visitor
Night Visitor
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Open Road Media
Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 9781480402249
<DIV><b>&ldquo;Grabs you by the throat and won't let go.&rdquo; &mdash;<i>Woman&rsquo;s Journal</i></b></div><DIV><BR>During their thirty years of marriage, Rose Redfern has confided everything (well, nearly everything) to Michael, and is certain that he would never hide anything from her. That&rsquo;s why it&rsquo;s such a shock when, shortly before Rose and Michael are set to take a romantic trip to Venice, she receives strong evidence that he&rsquo;s having an affair with a woman their daughters&rsquo; age. Rose feels emotionally unmoored, and her sense of betrayal swiftly turns vengeful. She stumbles across a stash of powerful barbiturates, previously used to medicate an epileptic dog, and wonders if she might not find a new use for them . . .</div><DIV>&#160;</div><DIV>But is Michael truly unfaithful to Rose, or is someone seeking to destroy the Redferns&rsquo; lives&mdash;and can that person be stopped before it&rsquo;s too late? <i>Night Visitor</i> is a frighteningly plausible scenario of how secrets and jealousy can tear people apart.</div>