Summary: Bag The Elephant - Steve Kaplan
BusinessNews Publishing
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Must Read Summaries
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This work offers a summary of "Bag the Elephant" by Steve Kaplan. As someone who has owned, managed and consulted for over 100 business, Steve Kaplan is more than adequately qualified to speak on the merits of acquiring and retaining big clients to grow your business. Working with fewer big customers has many advantages over working with many small wants, ranging from being more cost effective, being more focused, being able to build lasting relationships and reduce advertising spend. These 'elephants’ of the business world are hard to acquire, and a successful contract is contingent on an effective game plan. This, Kaplan says, should contain the following four elements: <br>1) Develop the right business mindset <br>2) Have an appropriate sales strategy<br>3) Leverage your big business clients and take full advantage of them<br>4) Avoid the five killer mistakes which could mitigate your success<br>The summary is logically divided into the above key points, ending with the five mistakes which should be avoided all costs p – From biting off too much, to keeping all your eggs in one basket. This is a very fast and useful read for any executive working in a highly competitive market. With a series of simple checklists and structured guidelines, this will help anyone who wishes to acquire and retain the best clients for their company.