A Strange and Gracious Light
Andrew Arndt
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<B>Be transformed by the gospel light that gleams among us.</B><BR /><BR /> When we refer to the gospel only as the death and resurrection of Jesus and what that assures us for the afterlife, we miss out on the full depth of the gracious good news found in the person of Jesus Christ. As a result, most of our actual lives remain untouched by what the man from Galilee said and did during his life as told in the Gospels.<BR /><BR /> While the gospel is certainly not <I>less</I> than Jesus’ death and resurrection, it is much more than that—and that <I>more</I> is critical for how we imagine ourselves and the world around us. <I>A Strange and Gracious Light</I> cracks open the gospel story as the imaginative and prophetic spark of congregational life, modeling what it looks like to “think Jesus” and “speak Jesus” in our daily lives. Amid the meaninglessness of consumerism, mass entertainment, and political ideologies, the strange and gracious story of Jesus has the power to shatter our settled realities and resurrect our lives. Even now, the gospel light is breaking into our world and illuminating how our lives are already and always drawn into the gracious mystery of God.<BR /><BR /> With vivid imagination and a winsome tone, pastor Andrew Arndt invites readers to engage with what transpires in the life of God’s people and creatively rediscover Jesus. Using the movements of the church calendar from Advent to Pentecost, this book points pastors, preachers, and all invested in the church to how the story of Jesus illumines our life together and changes the way we see everything.<BR />
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