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The Withering Work of the Spirit
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The Withering Work of the Spirit
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Andrii Ponomarenko
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ISBN-13: 9786178454777
C.H. Spurgeon's sermon Withering Work of the Spirit focuses on the theme of spiritual dryness and the factors contributing to it. Spurgeon delves into how the work of the Holy Spirit can become stifled or diminished in a believer's life, leading to a withering of spiritual vitality. He explores reasons behind this spiritual decline, such as neglect of personal holiness, lack of fervent prayer, and engagement with worldly distractions. The sermon is a call to renewal, urging believers to rekindle their relationship with God, seek the Holy Spirit's transformative power, and embrace practices that restore spiritual health and vitality. Spurgeon's message is both a diagnosis of spiritual malaise and a practical guide for revitalizing one's faith.
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