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Summary of David Frye's Walls
Summary of David Frye's Walls
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Everest Media LLC
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Année de parution:
ISBN-13: 9781669367437
Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book.

Sample Book Insights:

#1 The people of Mesopotamia, who lived in the area now known as Iraq, fought against the effects of time. They lived as if in sand castles, constantly building and rebuilding a world that would eventually be washed away. Nothing endured.

#2 The Mesopotamians were able to overcome the constraints of time only in their record keeping, and this led to the habit of kings giving names to years. The system allowed the kings to commemorate their achievements, including the building of structures that would not last.

#3 The first solution to any problem for the Mesopotamians was building, and they built walls to protect themselves and their cities. The drudgery of building these walls was accepted as part of life.

#4 The walls of the cities were not for everyone. The shepherds, who lived outside the walls, had little use for them. They were a rough and fearless lot, skilled with slings, throw sticks, and staffs.