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Summary of Carol Tuttle's The Child Whisperer
Summary of Carol Tuttle's The Child Whisperer
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Everest Media LLC
Format ouvert - aucune protection
Année de parution:
ISBN-13: 9781669367383
Please note:This audiobook has been generated using AI Voice. This is a companion version & not the original book.

Sample Book Insights:

#1 I had been trying to convert my interest in less into something I could study. From the start, I had studied ways that buildings and cities might use less energy, and produce fewer climate-changing emissions. I had homed in on the designers, finding that they use mental shortcuts.

#2 I was able to bring many of the other parents up to speed by explaining to them that subtraction is a way to change things. They were initially confused, but eventually understood.

#3 The three-to-one ratio was found when people were asked to change random musical notes, and when people were asked to improve a piece of writing. It was roughly the same three-to-one ratio when people were asked to transform a five-ingredient soup.

#4 The Lego experiment showed that people overwhelmingly add more than they subtract. We then created a situation that would inspire subtraction, asking participants to improve an itinerary for a day in Washington, D. C. Only one in four participants removed activities from the packed original.