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Who Are Our Enemies and How Do We Love Them?
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Who Are Our Enemies and How Do We Love Them?
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ISBN-13: 9781513806181
<B>Who are our enemies? And what would it mean to love them?</B><BR /><BR /> Hyung Jin Kim Sun leads us on an exploration of God&rsquo;s call to love our enemies. What did Jesus demonstrate and teach about loving enemies? How is nonviolence connected to Christian faith and spirituality? Isn&rsquo;t violence sometimes necessary? Does loving our enemies really work? What is the goal of enemy love and how can it be applied in our everyday lives? This book won&rsquo;t answer every question about a Christian practice of nonviolence, but it will lead toward a deeper faith as we consider how to live with enemies in a violent world.<BR /><BR /><B>The Jesus Way: Small Books of Radical Faith </B>delve into big questions about God&rsquo;s work in the world. These concise, practical books are deeply rooted in Anabaptist theology. Crafted by a diverse community of internationally renowned scholars, pastors, and practitioners, The Jesus Way series helps readers deepen their faith in Christ and enliven their witness.<BR /><BR /><B>Books in series:</B><BR />  <BR /><I>What Is the Bible and How Do We Understand It? </I><I>Dennis R. Edwards <B>[Fall 2019]</B></I><BR /><I>Why Did Jesus Die and What Difference Does It Make?</I><I> Michele Hershberger <B>[Fall 2019]</B></I><BR /><I>Why Do We Suffer and Where Is God When We Do? </I><I>Valerie G. Rempel <B>[Spring 2020]</B></I><BR /><I>What Is the Trinity and Why Does It Matter? </I><I>Steve Dancause <B>[Spring 2020]</B></I><BR /><I>Who Are Our Enemies and How Do We Love Them? </I><I>Hyung Jin Kim Sun <B>[Summer 2020]</B></I><BR /><I>What Is God&rsquo;s Mission in the World and How Do We Join It? </I><I>Juan F. Mart&iacute;nez <B>[Summer 2020]</B></I><BR /><I>What Is the Church and Why Does It Exist? </I><I>David Fitch <B>[Fall 2020]</B></I><BR /><I>What Does Justice Look Like and Why Does God Care about It?</I><I> Judith and Colin McCartney <B>[Fall 2020]</B></I><BR /><I>What Is God&rsquo;s Kingdom and What Does Citizenship Look Like?</I><I> C&eacute;sar Garc&iacute;a <B>[Spring 2021]</B></I><BR /><I>Who Was Jesus and What Does It Mean to Follow Him?</I><I> Nancy Elizabeth Bedford <B>[Spring 2021]</B></I><BR /> ?
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