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Narrating "Europe": A Contested Imagined Community
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Narrating "Europe": A Contested Imagined Community
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Editions L'Harmattan
Année de parution:
ISBN-13: 9782140156489
Au sommaire de ce numéro 66 : Introduction to the Special Issue / La lutte narrative pour la signification et la politisation de « l'Europe » dans les négociations du TTIP : le récit de l'Europe bouclier contre le populisme transnational / Europe on Display: A postcolonial reading of the House of European History / The witty Briton stands up to the European bully. How a populist myth helped the British Eurosceptics to win the 2016 EU referendum / The Heroes and Villains of an Alternative Europe - How EU Contestation shapes Narratives of Europe in Germany / Speaking for 'the European people'? How the transnational alliance Fortress Europe constructs a populist counter-narrative to European integration / Narrating into Europe: Female Migrant Writers' Voice and Representation / The social imaginary of precarious Europeans.
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