- (11)
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Monique Dechaud-Ferbus, Harmattan (Format: EPUB)
Vangelis Athanassopoulos, Harmattan (Format: EPUB)
Krzysztof Pomian, Edgar Morin, Isabelle Stengers, Ilya Prigogine, Henri Atlan, Antoine Danchin, Jean Largeault, Jean Petitot, René Thom, Stefan Amsterdamski, Ivar Ekeland, David Ruelle, Collectifs, Krzysztof Pomian, Edgar Morin, David Ruelle, Ivar Ekeland, Editions Gallimard (Format: EPUB)
Jean-Pierre Kambila Kankwende, Editions L'Harmattan (Format: EPUB)
Véronique Flanet, Harmattan (Format: EPUB)
Nadine Martinez, Harmattan (Format: EPUB)
André Forget, Presses de l'Université du Québec (Format: EPUB)
Buscatto Marie, Harmattan (Format: EPUB)
Sylvie Marie Berthe Ondoa Ndo, Harmattan (Format: EPUB)
André Micaleff, Harmattan (Format: EPUB)
Victor J. Afanou, Harmattan (Format: EPUB)
Jean-Adolphe Rondal, Editions L'Harmattan (Format: EPUB)