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The Economic and Financial crisis in Europe : on the road to recovery
The Economic and Financial crisis in Europe : on the road to recovery
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ISBN-13: 9782802751861
2010, ann&eacute;e noire pour l&rsquo;Union Europ&eacute;enne, confront&eacute;e &agrave; la plus grave crise &eacute;conomique et financi&egrave;re depuis sa constitution il y a 50 ans d&eacute;j&agrave;. L&rsquo;Union des Avocats Europ&eacute;ens (UAE), &agrave; l&rsquo;occasion de son 27e Congr&egrave;s, tenu &agrave; Lisbonne, a voulu se livrer &agrave; une r&eacute;flexion sur la crise et les rem&egrave;des mis en place par l&rsquo;Union Europ&eacute;enne.<br /><br />Apr&egrave;s avoir entendu l&rsquo;ancien Pr&eacute;sident du Portugal, M. Jorge Sampaio, appeler &agrave; un &laquo;New Deal&raquo; europ&eacute;en, les orateurs ont livr&eacute; aux participants une &eacute;tude exhaustive des dispositions adopt&eacute;es par l&rsquo;Union pour r&eacute;pondre &agrave; la crise, notamment la mise en place d&rsquo;une vraie Union Bancaire, le renforcement du contr&ocirc;le de l&rsquo;euro, l&rsquo;organisation d&rsquo;une synergie entre le budget de l&rsquo;Union et des Etats membres, et la mise en place d&rsquo;un contr&ocirc;le renforc&eacute; des aides d&rsquo;Etat au secteur financier.<br /><br />Cet ouvrage riche et document&eacute;, porteur d&rsquo;espoir, s&rsquo;adresse aux professionnels du droit et de la finance, mais encore &agrave; tous ceux qui sont int&eacute;ress&eacute;s par le d&eacute;veloppement de l&rsquo;Union Europ&eacute;enne.<br /><br />****<br /><br />In 2010 the European Union faced the worst economic and financial crisis of its fifty year-long history. The European Lawyers&rsquo; Union (UAE), upon the occasion of its 27th Congress, held in Lisbon, sought to engage in a reflection on the crisis and the remedies set up by the European Union.<br /><br />After hearing the former President of Portugal, Jorge Sampaio, call for a European &laquo;New Deal&raquo;, the speakers delivered to participants a comprehensive review of the measures put in place by the European Union to meet the crisis, in particular the establishment of a Banking Union, the strengthening of the Euro, the creation of synergies between the EU and national budgets, and a reinforced review of State aid to the financial sector.<br /><br />This rich and documented book is intended for professionals in law and finance, but also to all those interested in the development of the European Union.