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The Magic Path of Intuition. Illustrated
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The Magic Path of Intuition. Illustrated
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Andrii Ponomarenko
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Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 9786178398620
"The Magic Path of Intuition" by Florence Scovel Shinn is a posthumously published collection of writings that delve into the power of intuition and its role in achieving a fulfilling life. Shinn, a prominent metaphysical author and spiritual teacher of the early 20th century, offers practical advice on harnessing the inner voice that guides individuals toward their true path. Through a blend of affirmations, anecdotes, and spiritual insights, the book emphasizes the importance of trusting one's intuition to navigate life's challenges and manifest desires. Shinn's teachings encourage readers to develop a deeper connection with their inner selves, promoting a life of harmony, abundance, and personal empowerment. This work continues her legacy of empowering individuals to tap into their inherent wisdom and potential.
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