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The classic collection of Jerome K. Jerome. Novels and Stories. Illustrated
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The classic collection of Jerome K. Jerome. Novels and Stories. Illustrated
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Andrii Ponomarenko
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ISBN-13: 9786178289706
Jerome Klapka Jerome was an English writer and humourist, best known for the comic travelogue Three Men in a Boat (1889). Other works include the essay collections Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow (1886) and Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow; Three Men on the Bummel, a sequel to Three Men in a Boat; and several other novels. Jerome was born in Walsall, England, and, although he was able to attend grammar school, his family suffered from poverty at times, as did he as a young man trying to earn a living in various occupations. In his twenties, he was able to publish some work, and success followed. He married in 1888, and the honeymoon was spent on a boat on the Thames; he published Three Men in a Boat soon afterwards. He continued to write fiction, non-fiction and plays over the next few decades, though never with the same level of success.


Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)

Diary of a Pilgrimage

Novel Notes

Three Men on the Bummel

Paul Kelver

Tea-table Talk

Tommy and Co

They and I

All Roads Lead to Calvary

Anthony John


Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow

Told After Supper

John Ingerfield

Sketches in Lavender, Blue, and Green

Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow

The Observations of Henry

The Angel and the Author and Others
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