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Reciprocity in the Third Millennium
Reciprocity in the Third Millennium
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Slatkine Editions
Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 9782832107645
<b>A fundamental and interesting approach of the structure of the economic evolution and the impact of money on people's behavior</b><br><br>What do shells, 3 tons stones, paper, gold and digital bits have in common?<br>They all are, have been or will be currencies.<br>What does money, debt or a gift have in common?<br>They are all, explicitly or implicitly, a form of credit.<br>What do families, communities and economic entities have in common?<br>They are all based upon some type of natural or coercive trust.<br><br>Since antiquity money has played a central role in the way socio-economic agents organise themselves. These so-called Monetary mechanisms have not only impacted economic institutions, but also – over the ages - retooled entire Societies’ value systems. Book I proposes a new 13-dimensions framework of reference to help the reader define precisely some of the key economic and social challenges our modern Societies face at the start of the third millennium. For example, what will be the impact of rapid technological change on our social and economic structures and relationships? Has money evolved from being a tool to facilitate resource exchanges to becoming the goal of economic exchanges? Or, can a post-2008 crisis financial system still facilitate the balanced and sustainable evolution of our modern Societies?<br><br><b>In this first volume, Derek Queisser de Stockalper gives some clues to understand how the evolution of the economic systems is impacting our lives.</b><br><br>ABOUT THE AUTHOR<br><b>Derek Queisser de Stockalper</b> is the founder and Managing Partner of Queisser & Cie, a Swiss-based strategic and investment advisory boutique addressing the investment needs of sophisticated capital owners in a low yield environment.<br><br>He graduated from St Andrews University in Scotland with an MA in Logic & Metaphysics and International Relations (Honours) and received an MBA in Economics and Finance from Columbia Business School in New York. He has collaborated over the past 20 years with various organizations such as J. Henry Schroder & Co, Credit Suisse Financial Products, the Lloyds Banking Group, Firmenich, P&G, DNDi, ESA, IUCN, the UN, the World Bank, as well as with major foundations and family offices in the fields of impact finance, sustainability, conservancy, health infrastructure, education and youth.<br><br>In parallel to his professional activities and writing endeavors, he is developing novel FinTech solutions to facilitate the emergence of a more balanced and inclusive financial system.<br>Derek Queisser de Stockalper lives in Geneva, is married and has two sons.