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Proper Gander
Proper Gander
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Flanker Press
Open - No Protection
Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 9781771172479
The stage was set with his memoir Human Beans, but the tale of the wild and weird adventures of Ron Pumphrey really begins right here and now . . .

Ron Pumphrey came to public attention seemingly from out of nowhere. This mystery man, who is still larger than life, had a veritably unknown past until the release of Human Beans, the first in this autobiographical series. Now that friend and foe alike have taken a peek into the formative years of this Newfoundland icon, both can agree that Ron’s was a childhood like no other. His story continues in Proper Gander, beginning with the end of his childhood years and delving headlong into the rebellious years of puberty. World War II comes to Bell Island, Newfoundland, and at the same time, young Ron Pumphrey fights a war of his own when strong Catholic conscience and the passion of youth collide for good or ill.