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B. J. Harrison Reads The Leather Funnel
B. J. Harrison Reads The Leather Funnel
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Saga Egmont International
Open - No Protection
Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 9788726573329
Lionel Dacre is a young man who lives in a small house in Paris. Because of his large interest in the occult, Dacre has gathered a huge library of occult literature and many mysterious items. One of these items is a leather funnel next to which the young man sleeps. The strange thing is that in his dreams, Lionel can see exactly how the funnel has been used.

Is the occultist going crazy, or will the same happen to his friend after he sleeps next to the funnel? Is there any logical explanation to this strange experience? What exactly is the story of this leather funnel?

Find the answers to these questions in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s "The Leather Funnel".