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Happy Ending
Happy Ending
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Open Road Media
Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 9781480464896
<DIV><DIV><b>The arrival of a mysterious young stranger disrupts the lives of a wealthy, unhappy family</b></div><DIV><BR>Ever since he was a little boy, Aldo Rugani has been drawn to the world of the aristocracy. Now an art dealer with a questionable past, Aldo finds himself a regular guest at the Tuscan estate of the affluent but unstable Santini family. He also works his way into the confidence of the clan&rsquo;s elderly but very much alive matriarch, Violante. Tough and indomitable, the grande dame is determined to see that her troubled family has a secure future before she dies.</div><DIV><BR>As an outsider, Aldo can only watch as the family members mindlessly self-destruct. He pines for Lavinia, Violante&rsquo;s much-adored, romantically reckless widowed daughter-in-law. But on one particular weekend holiday in Tuscany, a young visitor comes to the Santini estate. A friend of Lavinia&rsquo;s son, Marco intends only to stop over briefly. But before he departs, everything will be different for the hapless Santinis.</div><DIV></div></div>