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L'Union européenne et les Etats-Unis / The European Union and the United States
L'Union européenne et les Etats-Unis / The European Union and the United States
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Éditions Larcier
Publication Year:
ISBN-13: 9782804456191
Les contributions regroup&eacute;es dans cet ouvrage visent &agrave; comprendre les relations et influences &agrave; travers le temps entre l&rsquo;Europe et les &Eacute;tats-Unis. S&rsquo;il existe des diff&eacute;rences importantes entre le mod&egrave;le de soci&eacute;t&eacute; am&eacute;ricain et europ&eacute;en, si &agrave; certains moments de notre histoire, m&ecirc;me r&eacute;cente, des divergences sont apparues, il est essentiel de rappeler les multiples convergences entre ces deux continents. Le couple euro-am&eacute;ricain n&rsquo;est pas un mythe et les &eacute;volutions g&eacute;opolitique et g&eacute;o&eacute;conomique futures ne devraient que l&rsquo;inciter &agrave; approfondir et &agrave; intensifier les relations transatlantiques. Outre l&rsquo;importance de l&rsquo;objet d&rsquo;&eacute;tude trait&eacute;, cet ouvrage produit une analyse pluridisciplinaire essentielle &agrave; la compr&eacute;hension du sujet et s&rsquo;appuie sur des auteurs ayant un regard multiculturel.<br /><br />The contributions gathered in this volume seek to understand the relations and influences across time between Europe and the United States. If there are significant differences between the model of American and European society, if at some point in our history, even recent, some divergences emerged, it is important to remember the numerous similarities between these two continents. Euro-American couple is not a myth and the future geopolitical and geo-economic developments should encourage them to deepen and strengthen transatlantic relations. Besides the importance of the treated study topic, this work supplies a multidisciplinary analysis, essential to the understanding of the subject and is based on authors having a multicultural view.